Some famous CIEAEM members and their testimonies
Caleb Gattegno

A brief summary The mathematician, pedagogue and philosopher Caleb Gattegno, University of London, is the spiritus rector of CIEAEM in its foundation. But there were two very distinguished personalities at the beginning who directed and determined the work of CIEAEM in the first ten years: the French Gustave Choquet (President), the Swiss psychologist and cognition theorist Jean Piaget (Vice-president) supported by Caleb Gattegno as secretary. Choquet brought into the discussion the ideas of a reform guided by the restructured new "architecture" of mathematics, Piaget presented his famous results of research in cognition and conveyed new insights into the relationships between mental-cognitive operative structures and the scientific development of mathematics, Gattegno attempted to connect the new mathematical meta-theory to psychological research by a philosophical and pedagogical synthesis and to create and establish relationships with mathematics education as an important part of general education.
Lucienne Félix, insight into the CIEAEM during the years 1950-1984: download the book (1986, IREM de Bordeaux, in French) |
Anna Zofia Krygowska: contribution à l’hommage à Anna Zofia Krygowska par Josette Adda, 1989 (in French) |
Tamás Varga: homage from Juliana Szendrei, 2007 (in English) |
Paulo Abrantes: homage from Juliana Szendrei and Leonor Santos, 2004 (in English) |
Emma Castelnuovo: homage from Daniela Valenti, a conference (1980) and an abstract of Lucienne Felix's book (in French) Mario Barra's presentation in CIEAEM65 : presentation / text
Filippo Spagnolo: homage from Benedetto di Paola, Journal of mathematics education, 2011. |