CIEAEM 66 conference/Mathematics and realities/Proposals

Oral communication and Workshop

Proposals for oral communication can be made by sending a four page text (about 1800 words or 12000 characters with space).

The first page will contain in order:

  • The title of the paper.
  • The author’s name, with a full post address and email.
  • Abstract of the paper: this will not exceed 15 lines.
  • The main text.

The paper will be written in one of the word processors

Pictures and graphs, that are included in the text, must also be saved in separate files submitted with the paper.

Presentations should be related to the theme of the conference in general or to the sub-themes. There will be between 15 and 20 minutes available for each presentation (depending on the organization of the working group) followed by approximately 5 to 10 minutes for discussion.

Please, write in your mail the category of your proposal and the sub-theme

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Workshops have also to be linked to the theme of the conference and to one sub-theme. There will be one hour and a half available for each workshop. These are a more extended type of contribution which should focus on concrete activities and encourage the active involvement of the participants through working on materials, problems or questions relating to the sub-themes.

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Forum of ideas

Proposals for forum of ideas can be made by sending a one page text (about 450 words or 3000 characters with space).

The page must contain:

  • The title of the paper.
  • The author’s name, with a full post address and email.
  • The main text.

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